On the way to their destination, pallet loads are subjected to a multitude of different stresses. Choosing the right transport packaging is therefore crucial, and not just when hazardous goods are being transported. The consequences of an accident range from damaged goods to endangerment or personal injury. As the party responsible for placing the palletised goods on the market, you are liable for its transport safety – this can have far reaching legal consequences. To help you choose the right packaging for your transport route, we test your loads for transport security in our TechCenter. The various tests cover more than basic safety requirements and enable targeted improvements of the packaging in terms of security, costs and sustainability. If the results of TechCenter testing show that the current transport security system is adequate, further tests can be conducted to minimise the amount of packaging material to meet your specific needs. A combination of packaging methods is a possible outcome. To improve sustainability, you can optionally use our CO2 product calculator to precisely determine the emissions generated by the packaging and associated material. This provides tailored recommendations to help you effectively reduce transport emissions.
In the following video, we clearly illustrate what dangers and strain your cargo can be exposed to before it reaches its destination. On various test stations we demonstrate a technical roadside inspection that shows the behavior of pallet loads in different stress scenarios to give you an impression how your load might be affected. Once the test benches have been completed, we provide you with a test certificate that records the results of the tests in writing.
View the video introducing Mosca TechCenter