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Mosca TechCenter


On the way to their destination, pallet loads are subjected to a multitude of different stresses. Choosing the right transport packaging is therefore crucial, and not just when hazardous goods are being transported. The consequences of an accident range from damaged goods to endangerment or personal injury. As the party responsible for placing the palletised goods on the market, you are liable for its transport safety – this can have far reaching legal consequences. To help you choose the right packaging for your transport route, we test your loads for transport security in our TechCenter. The various tests cover more than basic safety requirements and enable targeted improvements of the packaging in terms of security, costs and sustainability. If the results of TechCenter testing show that the current transport security system is adequate, further tests can be conducted to minimise the amount of packaging material to meet your specific needs. A combination of packaging methods is a possible outcome. To improve sustainability, you can optionally use our CO2 product calculator to precisely determine the emissions generated by the packaging and associated material. This provides tailored recommendations to help you effectively reduce transport emissions.

In the following video, we clearly illustrate what dangers and strain your cargo can be exposed to before it reaches its destination. On various test stations we demonstrate a technical roadside inspection that shows the behavior of pallet loads in different stress scenarios to give you an impression how your load might be affected. Once the test benches have been completed, we provide you with a test certificate that records the results of the tests in writing.

View the video introducing Mosca TechCenter

Challenge the configuration of your pallet load

Reduce material consumption:
Minimise the amount of packaging material you use to meet your specific needs


Increase efficiency:
Optimise your pallet loads with tailored recommendations to help improve your transport security


Guarantee load security:
Ensure that your products arrive at your customers destination in their very best condition - strapped, wrapped and secure! We help make sure your packaging can effectively withstand the stresses of transport


Lower your carbon footprint:
Use a CO2 calculation for your transport packaging to help further reduce your carbon footprint



Key benefits of using TechCentre

  • Guarantee maximum transport security protection - especially for hazardous goods
  • Cost-savings for primary, secondary and transport packaging
  • Lower your carbon footprint
  • Identify opportunities to increase efficiencies
  • Recommendations on adapting individual transport routing
  • Test reporting based on international norms and standards
  • Testing and optimisation of machinery and packaging materials from a single source
  • Reduction in transport damage, spoiled goods and customer complaints

Mosca TechCenter Brochure

Four testing tools at your disposal

The Mosca TechCenter is equipped with four test stations to analyse a wide variety of stresses to determine how they impact on transport security.

These include a tilt testing tool, a horizontal stability tester to measure horizontal acceleration and deceleration, an impact tester for impact or crushing forces and a vertical vibration system. There is also a camera-supported evaluation unit that records and analyses deformations during stability testing. A data logger is used in the TechCenter to record and compile the required data on shocks, vibrations and acceleration during transport.

A key advantage of this data logger is that we can accompany your real transport route and find out which specific stresses your product needs to withstand during transportation. We can then help you to adapt your palletised goods to achieve optimum performance.


1. Tilt Testing Tool

For Tilt Testing

The tilt testing tool was developed to specifically evaluate load stability
during transport. As part of our recommended test routine, the tilt testing
tool is the initial basic indicator for a quick assessment of quality control.
In other words, we check to see if your current transport packaging is
safe. The results of this test can be used to instantly determine whether
the palletised load should undergo further testing procedures.

Using image processing software we can make important changes
to the packaging design and ensure reproducibility with minimum

2. Horizontal Stability Tester

For Acceleration / Deceleration

The horizontal stability tester is a state-of-the-art solution to simulate horizontal acceleration and deceleration in accordance with key international standards, such as EUMOS 40509 and the American FMCSA cargo securing requirements.

This real-time simulation shows the effects of a predefined rate of horizontal acceleration/deceleration on the stability of your cargo loads. Our transport simulation software generates a full report with detailed results, photos and videos. An integrated high-speed camera documents all deformations of the cargo loads at every stage of the testing sequence. This enables us to generate an analysis aimed at optimising your current transport packaging.

3. Inclined Impact Tester

For Impact and Crushing Forces

The inclined impact tester is used to evaluate the protective capacity of transport packaging under the influence of impact and crushing forces during the distribution cycle. This impact test enables us to optimise packaging design for secured loads. The inclined impact tester uses gravity to evaluate the design of the transport unit with regard to the effects of horizontal impact or crushing forces. A velocity of up to 2.5 m/s is possible depending on the testing protocol.

This test is carried out using the international protocols of the ISO, ASTM International and various ISTA procedures.

4. Vertical Vibration System

For Vertical Vibrations

This testing tool performs standard vertical vibrations and is capable of creating random vibration profiles. Using our data recorder, which can be attached to your pallet, all real-world conditions of a distribution cycle can be recorded and reproduced on the vertical vibration system. This way you have the opportunity to lower the costs associated with product / packaging damage or inadequate packaging design.

All vibration tests are carried out in accordance with key international standards (ISO, ASTM, EN 15552 and various STA procedures) along with government, industrial and company-specific norms.

Stress test your cargo before the worst case occurs

With these tools, we are well-equipped to provide you with exact tests you need to guarantee your transport load security to your own specific route. After all, do you know how well your current transport packaging will perform in the event of an imcident, or worse case scanario an accident?

Take the opportunity to have your pallet loads put through their paces in our new Mosca TechCenter. Simply, send us your request for testing through our contact form or via email to schedule an appointment with our TechCenter team.

We look forward to working with you to help you achieve your optimal transport packaging!


Mosca's road to the future!
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