For us, quality means maintaining the highest possible standards – in our products, our services and our actions. At the centre of our quality aspirations is the desire to fully meet the high expectations of our customers as well as the demands we place on ourselves.
To achieve this goal, we determine our customers’ quality requirements in advance and incorporate the results into the development and manufacture of our products. A variety of controls are used to systematically ensure high quality standards, from the very beginning right through to final acceptance.
An important basis for this is our compliance with the standards of DIN EN ISO 9001. As early as 1995, we had the entire company certified according to this strictest European standard for quality assurance. Because we are constantly required to check and improve our products and services, this is the best way for us to deliver top Mosca quality to meet the highest demands of our customers.
Our Quality Philosophy:
For us, quality means that our products and solutions meet the requirements and expectations of our customers. Quality safeguards our future, because the satisfaction of our customers with the quality of our products and our actions is of decisive importance to the success and continued existence of our company.
Quality is equally important in all areas of the company. We apply the same, clearly defined quality standards to all activities in all areas and at all levels. In the spirit of quality assurance, every single employee, from manual workers to top management, is committed to critically scrutinizing his or her daily work to avoid mistakes and identify potential improvements. Targeted training programs provide each employee with the necessary knowledge to fulfil his or her quality assurance responsibilities.
Quality requires teamwork. Co-operation among our colleagues is characterized by mutual respect and the utmost reliability. High levels of motivation and flexibility ensure that all work processes run smoothly.
Quality requires reliable suppliers. An important part of our QM system is the careful inspection of our suppliers. The decisive factor for us is not the price of the delivered goods or services, but their complete fulfilment of our strict specifications and guidelines in accordance with our own quality requirements.
Quality reduces costs. Improving quality and thereby avoiding errors is our top priority. In this way, we increase the efficiency and reliability of our work, guarantee safety and reduce subsequent error costs. We are able to pass these savings on to you directly in the form of our fair pricing policy.
Our strict quality standards benefit you as a customer and us as a manufacturer of high-quality strapping technology in equal measure. Place your trust in us!