27,830 km²
9 Mio.
Life expectancy:
48.5 years
Doctors for 100,000 people:
Infant mortality:
60 of 1,000
Infant mortality up to 5 years:
190 of 1,000
The school enrolment rate for elementary school:
Children, achieving the 5th class:


Total Return 2013:
80.5 million Euros
Current Projects:
Operating in 50 countries
Development Work:
Sustainable help for self-help
Vision and Values:
Christian Values are regarded as the basis for the worldwide network of World Vision. Building a better world for children.
International relationships:
WHO, UNICEF, UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council)
Prominent supporters:
Peter Maffay, Judith Rakers, Judy Bailey, Wolfgang Niedecken and many more.

Mosca supports World Vision e.V.

We agitate for education in Cankuzo!

Since 2011 Mosca has supported an educational project with World Vision in district Cankuzo in the eastern lowlands of Burundi, one of the poorest regions of the country. The project of World Vision is going to improve elementary education and reading possibilities for children in Cankuzo.

“Thanks to financial support of Mosca Company and other sponsors from Germany, we achieved a lot: In close cooperation with all involved local people, we have already built and equipped an elementary school with six classrooms in two handicapped accessible buildings, sanitary facilities, a teachers’ room, apartment blocks for teachers and a small library in Gatete. The school offers space for around 500 students and is said to be a showpiece of the whole region. In addition, we established a multigenerational library with two reading rooms, a reception, a toilet and a storage room, in Cankuzo. The library is used by old and young”, reports World Vision.

Starting Situation

Burundi is a small and dense populated landlocked country in East Africa. It is one of the poorest countries in the world. Burundi’s history is characterized by conflicts of the two ethnic groups Hutu and Tutsi. A civil war raged from 1994, despite of a peace agreement in 2000 violence flared-up again and again. Hundreds of thousand people were killed. Since 2009 the country has stabilized, but the traces of the war are still visible – also in the education system! Many school buildings and important infrastructure were destroyed and could not be established again. A lot of qualified teachers fled and have never come back.

Project completed in 2018

Since 2011 we have been supporting an educational project in Burundi set up by the World Vision aid organization. The project in the city of Cankuzo, which is located near the country's eastern border, benefits around 12,500 children, teens and adults. The objective is to achieve long-term success by stabilizing the school system with modernized school buildings, well-equipped libraries, and qualified teachers.

The project has been completed in 2018.

What has been achieved in 2017

Expansion of the elementary school of Kigamba (3 class rooms, 1 reading room, sanitary facilities, extension for school administration).
Transfer of pedagogical and didactical skills for teachers, to inspire the students sustainable for reading.
Reading skills of the children will be checked by tested and child-oriented methods.
Support of extracurricular environment (Adults, guardians, neighbors and community members) to make reading attractive for children (e.g. reading camps which emerge increasingly in villages).
Books will be provided and people learn how to produce child-oriented and real-life oriented reading material on their own.
Mini-libraries will be equipped.

What has been achieved in 2016

Last year we succeeded in building three new class rooms with latrines in a primary school in Kinombe, a village in Cankuzo. We were supported by the families and the local government. 199 children have now a clean and save place to study. Moreover it is easier for the teachers to work with their students, because there are less children in one room afterwards. Because of the new toilets and hand washbasins it is possilbe to avoid diseases, which spread for example through dirty water. In consequence the students are able to focus more intensively on their studies. Furthermore there were more than 5000 children taking part on special reading camps (3000 children more than one year before), where they are conveyed the joy of reading. We can also refer to some achievements made in Germany, such as the advanced taining of 45 members of voluntary groups in how to campaign for the school enrollment of children.

What has been achieved in 2015

In 2015 we sanified the primary school in Bugendajoro and equipped it with 75 tables together with the inhabitants and some local partners (the building has been destroyed twice during the civil war). The 997 students felt very pleased about these measures and the opening ceremony that also took place in 2015. To reduce the number of children in one class the demand of teachers is growing constantly. That is why we upgrated 394 teachers for primary school in 2015. Education offers the possibility of a better life- for this reason we informed more than 1000 parents about the importance of education. Added to that we counted more than 2000 children who participated in reading camps, where they received some of the 17 000 locally-produced reading-files. At least there were also some hyiene trainings and other educational trainings that took part in 2015.

What has been achieved in 2014

In 2014 World Vision built a new school building in close cooperation with local inhabitants and school authority: the new elementary school in Murehe. The old school building was dilapidated, badly appointed and provided space for around 200 students only. The new school building has eight spacious class rooms and an additional building for school administration. Lessons now no longer take place in layers. Instead, all children can be taught at the same time in accordance with their class level. Thanks to construction of two water tanks all students and teachers have access to clean water.

Punctually at the beginning of the new school year in September, the new school building was opened. More than 650 people from surrounding area attended the inauguration and expressed their pleasure and gratitude. Meanwhile, already 233 boys and girls visit the handicapped accessible equipped elementary school. With the time even more will be expected.

September 2013 to August 2014 – This has been achieved

  • Elementary school with 8 classrooms, toilet facilities, a school administration office and a small library were built and equipped
  • Established sanitary facilities and two rainwater tanks
  • Equipment for washing hands in front of all classrooms
  • Delivered around 7,300 new books to libraries in the project area
  • Produced around 3,000 magazines (shellbooks) on-site and distributed to libraries and reading camps
  • Teacher trainings to improve the quality of lessons (e.g. sustainable and creative support of reading competence of children)
  • Enlightenment events to explain the importance of education and children’s rights, for teachers, students and villagers
Mosca's road to the future!