Producing in an environmentally conscious way while conserving resources: this philosophy is an integral part of our corporate identity. With the aim of reducing energy consumption in the production of our strapping machines and strapping material, our energy management system was successfully certified according to DIN EN ISO 50001 in 2015.
Our energy policy
Sustainable action is the common thread running through all departments and business areas of our company. The responsibility defined in our values for the prudent use of finite resources, the requirements to be met by legislators and our customers, and rising energy prices have prompted us to define organizational and process regulations that have a sustainable effect.
These regulations are anchored in our energy management system, which meets the requirements of DIN EN ISO 50001. With the introduction of an environmentally conscious energy policy at the Waldbrunn and Muckental sites, we are living our claim to act sustainably and prudently. Each individual in our company continuously contributes to the implementation of the following principles of action within their individual sphere of influence. The energy policy is a commitment for MOSCA GmbH and provides all employees with orientation regarding the way they deal with energy in their daily work.
Taking responsibility
Active environmental protection and the efficient and sustainable use of energy are for us an important management task. To this end, we provide all the necessary information and guidelines. Through targeted training, we inform and motivate our employees to carry out their activities in line with our energy targets. Compliance with legal and regulatory obligations is a matter of course. To monitor our specified strategic and operational targets, we use an energy management system in which both our employees and our suppliers are involved. Monitoring of the specified targets by the company management is an important component of this system.
Striving for improvements
We are committed to achieving continuous further developments through regular assessments of our energy management system. Before introducing new production processes, when planning further facilities and in the development process of our products, we determine both the environmental impact and the energy requirements associated with them. Wherever possible and technically feasible, we seek to minimize these by purchasing energy-efficient equipment and services. By using the most economically advantageous technology, we increase the energy efficiency of our machinery and equipment, thereby reducing the generation of greenhouse gases. During our annual management review, we check our energy targets to ensure that they are still in line with our energy policy and are effective.
Saving energy
We are committed to a permanent reduction in energy consumption and a sustainable increase in energy-related performance with the aim of conserving resources and saving energy. We use energy efficiently and handle it responsibly. Through comprehensive and continuous data collection of the energy sources used, we analyze our processes in terms of energy requirements and identify potential savings. In practice, for example, energy-efficient products and services are taken into account in purchasing decisions. Our employees participate in the continuous improvement process by making efficient and smart suggestions for improvements on the subject of energy saving.
Informing openly
We inform all employees about environmental protection measures and energy issues, motivate them to take personal responsibility in the workplace and promote environmental and energy awareness. In an open, factual and comprehensive dialog with the public, with business and contractual partners, and with relevant authorities, we exchange information in an appropriate manner about events relevant to the environment or energy, in line with our energy policy.