Sieć współpracy i członkostwa

Sieci łączą różne obszary polityki oraz gospodarki i dzięki współpracy gospodarczo-politycznej zapewniają transparentny, stały przepływ informacji, co ma decydujące znaczenie dla osiągania sukcesów w przyszłości. Efektem sieciowego myślenia i działania są inicjatywy podejmowania wyzwań technicznych, a także idee kształcenia oraz doskonalenia zawodowego wartościowych fachowców i menadżerów. Sieci szybko i niezawodnie dostarczają informacji o przyszłych trendach oraz innowacyjnych kierunkach w technice.

Mosca docenia znaczenie tych związków i jest członkiem oraz partnerem następujących sieci:


The BME is the professional association for supply chain managers, buyers and logisticians in Germany and Central Europe.

Packaging Valley

Germany’s Packaging Valley Association is the most innovative alliance of the packaging industry worldwide.


Formed in 1954, the Association of German Women Entrepreneurs offers a platform for women in business.


The association represents the interests of the sector and is its mouthpiece towards the consumer industries, the trade, the authorities, politics and the public.


The VDMA is the largest network organization in the European mechanical engineering industry.


The Unternehmensverband Südwest (USW) is an interest group with a socio-political orientation.


UKOM is led by leaders from business, administration and politics and works closely with partners from science and the service sector as well as with associations.


The Mosbach business association represents more than 5,000 jobs and apprenticeships.


Corporation for the Promotion of the Printing and Paper Converting Industry.


Pack4sustainability is the knowledge portal of the VDMA initiative.


PACKPART is a digital matching system between project inquiries from companies and the corresponding packaging machine manufacturers.


Openpack is a digital platform for the packaging industry. The platform connects manufacturers, service providers and customers in a unique digital ecosystem.


The nonprofit association, BVL is an open network of people who actively advocate efficient cooperation in the globalised economy.

Industrie­vereinigung Kunststoff­verpackungen e.V.

IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen e.V. is the German Association for Plastics Packaging and Films.

German Packaging Museum

Since its opening in 1997, the German Packaging Museum in Heidelberg has focused on the cultural impact of packaging.

German Packaging Institute

The dvi (German Packaging Institute) connects people in many different industries across the entire packaging value chain.


The European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers (FEFCO) is a non-profit organisation representing the interests of the industry across Europe.


The ETHICS SOCIETY offers business decision-makers in the D-A-CH region a platform where they can exchange thoughts on business ethics and sustainability.

Foundation Pro DHBW Mosbach

The foundation supports activities of the DHBW Mosbach for which no or insufficient public funding is provided.

DHBW Mosbach

The DHBW Mosbach is one of nine locations of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany.


DIE FAMILIENUNTERNEHMER represents the economic policy interests of 180,000 family entrepreneurs in Germany.


The "Bundesverband Verschnürungs- und Verpackungsmittel" (BVV) is an information and communication forum for its members.

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