
  • Mosca is investing in a new building of around 250 square meters at its Waldbrunn location. This step underlines the company's global growth and its…

    New building, new structure for the department 

    The new Global Service Center is located close to Mosca's administrative buildings in Waldbrunn. This is where the employees of the Global Portfolio Management Service now work. “Our focus is on developing and implementing global quality standards as…

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    W zakładach Zerhusen Kartonagen GmbH w niemieckim Damme pracują całkowicie zautomatyzowane maszyny od Mosca – wiązarka do palet KCK-131 i owijarka…

    Ciągły proces pakowania sprawia, że pracownicy zakładu mogą skupić się wyłącznie na produkcji.

    Surowiec, który powstaje w głównym zakładzie w Damme, pracownicy nowego zakładu Zerhusen przetwarzają na szereg różnych produktów z tektury falistej: od pulpy papierniczej, przez solidne i precyzyjnie…

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  • For the third time in a row, Mosca GmbH ranks among the “Top 100” companies, a distinction awarded only to highly innovative German SMEs.

    For awarding the coveted "Top 100" recognition, competition organizer compamedia takes a scientific approach. Innovation expert Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke from the Vienna University of Economics and Business and his team examined the innovative potential of all applicants based on more than 100…

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    The Mosca Group opens a new chapter at its US site in Hazle Township. The company has renovated the headquarters of its subsidiary EAM-Mosca and…

    The headquarter of Mosca-subsidiary EAM-Mosca in Hazle Township/PA now features a newly renovated building, new office spaces and roughly 24,000 square meters of production space. In the future, the headquarters will be responsible for strapping machines, straps, and spare parts as well as services…

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  • Mosca welcomes the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR). Its aim of promoting recycling and optimizing the use of resources is in line with…

    What is the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR)?

    The PPWR is a new regulation adopted by the Commission of the European Union, often referred to as the EU Packaging Regulation in the media. It governs the handling of packaging within the European Union and requires EU member states to…

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    Good news: Our latest issue 1/2024 of our customer magazine 360° has been published. Many interesting and informative topics about new trends in the…

    Take a look at the latest edition of MOSCA 360° - The Magazine for Packaging Solutions!


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  • 04-07.06.2024 r. | Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie | Pawilon 7A, stoisko 32

    VII Międzynarodowe Targi Logistyki, Magazynowania i Transportu MODERNLOG 2024 to wydarzenie, które co roku przyciąga wystawców z Polski i zagranicy, stając się jednym z najważniejszych spotkań sektora logistycznego w naszym kraju. Właśnie tutaj prezentowane są rozwiązania z zakresu automatyki,…

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    Smart, fast, and secure: Mosca GmbH will be presenting digital, resource-efficient strapping and wrapping solutions at drupa 2024 (Düsseldorf) at…

    Securing loads for transport today is about more than just safeguarding products. In view of rising raw material costs, fast production cycles, and consumer preferences for climate-friendly processes, businesses need to adapt their packaging solutions to address complex challenges. In the printing…

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  • IX Międzynarodowe Targi Techniki Pakowania i Opakowań

    Targi Techniki Pakowania i Opakowań Warsaw Pack 2024 to specjalistyczne wydarzenie skupiające wszystkie obszary branży opakowaniowej, które odbędzie się w dniach 23-25 kwietnia 2024 w hali F Międzynarodowego Centrum Targowo Kongresowego Ptak Warsaw Expo w Nadarzynie.

    Targi tworzą strefy tematyczne:…

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    For the second year in a row, Mosca GmbH has been named Germany’s best mechanical engineering company by Focus Money: in the “Company of the Year…

    With this award, Focus Money recognizes companies that have distinguished themselves by maintaining an appealing price-performance ratio, earning customer trust, attracting wider acclaim, and demonstrating social responsibility despite the challenging conditions of recent years. To this end, the…

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Mosca's road to the future!
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