
  • IX Międzynarodowe Targi Techniki Pakowania i Opakowań

    Targi Techniki Pakowania i Opakowań Warsaw Pack 2024 to specjalistyczne wydarzenie skupiające wszystkie obszary branży opakowaniowej, które odbędzie się w dniach 23-25 kwietnia 2024 w hali F Międzynarodowego Centrum Targowo Kongresowego Ptak Warsaw Expo w Nadarzynie.

    Targi tworzą strefy tematyczne:…

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    Manufacturing companies must ensure their products are safe and secure during the entire supply chain and shipping process. Depending on the size,…

    Mosca’s end-of-line packaging automation

    To ensure that manufacturers can safely transport their goods across land and sea, Mosca has been developing innovative automated strapping, pallet strapping, and end-of-line packaging systems since its founding in 1966. With international locations and…

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  • This year, we have once again prepared and published a sustainability report referencing the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative. This year's…

    After assessing the status quo of our sustainability commitment and presenting our Nonstop Responsible sustainability strategy in our first report last year, we have sharpened and specified our targets from 2021 and added additional aspects in this year's report.

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    Today, companies across the corrugated box industry face many similar challenges. Though their impact varies in urgency and intensity from company to…

    6 Challenges the Corrugated Box Industry Faces

    Below are some of the challenges you may be facing.

    1. Supply Chain Issues

    Supply chain issues have impacted many industries and the corrugated box industry is no exception. Every component needed to run a plant is affected, from paper to glue to…

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  • From heating oil and raw material consumption to hazardous substances: for its environmental management system, which has been certified according to…

    As part of the certification of an environmental management system according to ISO 14001, companies assess their environmental impact, stringently develop and initiate environmental targets, and commit to an annual review by an official certification authority. Mosca started developing its…

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    Dobierz materiał do pakowania idealnie dopasowany do twoich potrzeb.

    Powszechnie uznaje się, że wiązanie taśmami i owijanie folią stretch to metody pakowania i zabezpieczania towarów na czas transportu, które można stosować tylko wymiennie. Tymczasem te dwa rozwiązania doskonale się uzupełniają. Zarówno taśmy, jak i folia mają swoje role do odegrania w bezpiecznym…

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  • Pallet loading is a labor-intensive process that requires careful attention to detail. In addition to preventing items from toppling off and becoming…

    Manufacturers, warehouses, and other companies that can master how to secure a load to a pallet can significantly reduce instances of lost or dam- aged products. This guide offers tips on securing a pallet and the best products to enhance your operations.

    When typical pallet stacks weigh thousands…

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    Strapping technology offers remarkable versatility: from bundling stacks of corrugated cardboard to keeping cartons and boxes tightly closed or…

    1. Stability:

    Not every cardboard box fits the product perfectly. When boxes are overfilled, they bulge out and are difficult to secure. Strapping technology solves this problem by using minimal material to provide a secure hold and prevent the box from deforming or bursting. Multiple strapping can…

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  • Perfectly secured for transport. Customers can now have their transport security systems thoroughly tested at Mosca's new TechCenter. Starting on 28…

    On long transport routes, load units and the systems used to hold them in place are subject to a wide variety of stress situations. Load security systems therefore need to be designed to withstand powerful forces from vibrations, impact from potholes or sudden acceleration and deceleration. Mosca…

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    30.05 - 02.06.2023 r. | Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie | Pawilon 6, stoisko 12

    VI Międzynarodowe Targi Logistyki, Magazynowania i Transportu MODERNLOG 2023 to wydarzenie, które co roku przyciąga wystawców z Polski i zagranicy, stając się jednym z najważniejszych spotkań sektora logistycznego w naszym kraju. Właśnie tutaj prezentowane są rozwiązania z zakresu automatyki,…

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Mosca's road to the future!
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