This year, we have once again prepared and published a sustainability report referencing the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative. Individual elements, such as the double materiality analysis, already consider the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) for reporting under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). This year's report on the 2023 reporting year mainly covers the sustainability activities of our German sites, Waldbrunn and Muckental, as well as international initiatives and - as an outlook - important developments in 2024.
After assessing the status quo in our first report and refining, specifying, and adding additional aspects to our goals in the second report, the goals have been validated by experts for this report. Additionally, the CO2 balance has been expanded to include further Scope 3 categories, and significant adjustments have been made to improve the CO2 balance calculation.
Click here to read the report.